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Developer Guide

Table of content

1. Setting Up
2. Design
3. Implementation

1. Setting Up


Refer to the guide Setting Up.

2. Design

2.1 Architecture

The Architecture Diagram below shows a high-level design of WhereGotTime. The design is based on multi-tier architecture where the processing, UI, logic and data management are separated. The upper tiers make use of services provided by lower tiers.

Here is a quick overview of the main components of WhereGotTime:

  1. WhereGotTime - initializes the components in the app
  2. UI - the user interface of the app
  3. Parser - analyzes and interprets user input
  4. Command - executes the action required by user
  5. Storage - reads and writes data to file
  6. Common - collection of classes used by multiple components
    • Users - the users who have logged into WhereGotTime
    • Timetable - the timetable of each of the users
    • Event - an object representing a lesson in the timetable

How architecture components interact

The following Sequence Diagram displays how components interact when the user inputs clear /fri

Architecture Sequence Diagram

3. Design & Implementation

This section describes how features/functions are implemented.

Parser Component

The Parser object uses its parse method to parse inputs passed to it from Ui. This method returns a Command object to be executed by WhereGotTime.

Add Function

System Architecture of the Add Function

The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the add command.

Below we will discuss a quick overview of each component.

Design of the Add Function

UML Class Diagram of the Add function:

1) The Add function gets the inputs from the User and places it to the event class so that it can parser to string.
2) It will then pass the event data onto UI class to display and inform user of the event added to the timetable.
3) Next,the add function will pass all the parameters (event name,day,time and location) to the timetable class into its arraylist divided by the day of the week

Sequence Design of Add Function

Improvements made to Version 2.0


The above would result in the first line being add, while the other two will result in the app giving an error message prompting the user to re-enter again.

Edit Function

Class Diagram

Delete Function

System Architecture of the Delete Function

The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the delete command.

Design of the Delete Function

  1. DeleteCommand gets the input from the User and gets the relevant timetable from Timetable
  2. DeleteCommand then proceeds to delete the event in the timetable based on the index in the user input
  3. DeleteCommand passes the day, deleted event and size of timetable to the UI
  4. UI updates the user of the successful deletion of the event

Sequence Design of Delete Function

Clear Function

System Architecture of the Clear Function

The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the clear command.

Design of the Clear Function

  1. ClearCommand gets the input from the User and gets the relevant timetable from Timetable
  2. ClearCommand then proceeds to clear all events from the timetable
  3. ClearCommand passes the day and cleared lesson to the UI
  4. UI updates the user of the successful clearing of events

Sequence Design of Clear Function

List Function

System Architecture of the List Function

The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the list command.

Design of the List Function

  1. ListCommand gets the input from the User and gets the relevant user’s timetable(s) from Timetable
  2. ListCommand then passes the user’s timetable(s) to the UI
  3. UI prints all the classes in the timetable

Sequence Design of List Function

Find Function

System Architecture of the Find Function

The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the find command.

Design of the Find Function

  1. FindCommand gets the input from the User and gets the timetable from Timetable
  2. FindCommand then searches through the timetable to find event that match the keyword entered by User
  3. FindCommand passes the matching events to UI
  4. UI prints the matching events

Sequence Design of Find Function

Compare Function

System Architecture of the Compare Function

The System Architecture given above explains the high-level design of the COMPARE command.

Listed below are some features we will be highlighting:

Design of the Compare Function

1) The COMPARE function gets the inputs from the User and retrieves the User’s / Target User’s
timetables based on a specific day. It will then compare the timetables and return an arraylist of common timeslots.
2) It will then pass the arraylist onto Ui class to display the range of common
timeslots the User and Target User have on a specific day of the week.

Sequence Design of Compare Function

Improvements made to Version 2.0


These cases above would no longer output “0000HR, 0100HR” etc but instead “0000HR - 1000HR”

Login Function

System Architecture of the Login Function

Class Diagram

1.) The LogInCommand checks the UserList to check if the inputted user already exists.
2.) In the case that the User is a first time user, the LogInCommand will create a new User object then add it into the UserList.

Sequence Diagram

1.) When the user inputs a Login Command, a LogInCommand Object is created with the input member Username and Password.
2.) The Login Command is then executed by sending the users UserList, ui Ui and the User nowUser to the method where it search the users to check if the input Username already exists with the correct password.
3.) If the User already exists, it will return the User back to the method as currentUser. Otherwise, it will create a User with the input Username and Password.

Improvements made to Version 2.0

Product scope

Target user profile

Our Application, WhereGotTime is developed for University students.

Value proposition

It was developed to solve the inconvenience students face when accessing timetables and lecture venues and to keep track of their timetable. It is also developed to assist in finding common available time slots for students to study with their peers.

User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 new user login to my own timetable be sure that it is my own timetable that is shown there
v1.0 new user add events into my timetable for the day refer to the timetable to remind me of the event
v1.0 new user edit events that I have entered into my timetable for the day easily change the details as I need it
v1.0 new user delete events in my timetable for the day remove an event in the timetable that I do not wish to keep
v1.0 new user clear my timetable for the day so that I can remove all the entries I have entered wrongly
v1.0 new user compare my timetable with my friends schedule a common time for revision together
v2.0 user have my password encrypted only I can access my own timetables
v2.0 user be assured that my inputs are correctly added my input are correctly convey into the timetable
v2.0 user access my saved timetables I do not have to manually enter the timetables again

Instructions for manual testing

login /Alex /123123
add /CS2113 Lec /mon /1200-1300 /LT21
add /CS3243 Lec /mon /1400-1500 /LT22
add /CS2040C Tut /mon /0800-1000 /COM1-2
add /CG2028 Tut /Thu /0900-1100 /E4-4-1
add /CG2023 Lec /Fri /1700-1800 /E7-3-10
list /all
list /mon
edit /mon
/3 /1300-1400
edit /fri
/1 /0900-1100
list /all
list /mon
login /Tammy /321321
add /CS2113 Lec /mon /1200-1300 /LT21
add /CS2040C Tut /mon /0800-1000 /COM1-2
add /CG2028 Tut /Thu /0900-1100 /E4-4-1
compare /Alex /mon
list /mon
edit /mon
/2 /1000-1200
compare /Alex /mon
login /Alex /123123
delete /mon /2
clear /fri